Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Different Kind of Music

Yeah , I know this blog is about music, but I have to write about a different kind of music! This past weekend our group headed to Indianapolis for the United State Grand Prix. And yes, Formula One cars are music. The sound is so intense. It is hard to imagine V8's twisting and sreaming to 19,000 rpm's, and it can only be appreciated in person!

What is really cool to hear though, is the combination of cars at different points on the track. Some are trying to grab traction out of a corner, and have a thunderous rumble over tone of the traction controlled cutting the lower revving engine in and out. Some are at full throttle, shrieking down the grand old front straight with exhaust ringing through the grandstands. And in the background is the up and down whine of cars between corners.

Then throw in the air driven wrenches, track announcer, and sounds of air horns coming from the crowd when their favorite driver passes, and it is mechanical symphony!

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